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Hi there! I'm Edgar, a game audio implementer and designer from Portugal. It all started from tweaking EQs and earphones almost per song and playing drums. Moreover, I always enjoyed seeking plans and solutions to improve mundane situations like the most efficient drum set layout or install video game add-ons. The innate passion to plan, implement, troubleshoot and perfect my visions and concepts led me to spend more time than I should to achieve these idealized goals.


The focus to be different also led to always strive for uniqueness and interpret and design my version of what was asked from assignments. My bachelor's final project is good example of this in which the goal was to design an audio-visual project usually applied to linear media. As a result, I decided to self-study game design and game audio to develop what would be my first solo developed video game in Unity with Fmod Studio: Crossroads. Ultimately, this knowledge inspired me into my first game jams and seek higher education focused on Game Audio.

Throughout my Master's degree, I had a chance to experiment different skills and roles and found most interest on game audio implementation and technical sound design skills. Thus, I could combine my innate passion to design and implement my visions on game audio systems and their behaviours. Here, I often found myself in the flow to design methods that could enhance the soundscape and particular needs of the game, for example "how could I make walking and exploring more interesting".

During my free time, I enjoy playing video games usually MMORPGs or PvP arena-type games and search about almost random topics that tick me in the moment. Moreover, whenever I need to buy devices there is also a more in-depth search from "best x item in 2022" to "how does it work" to find what matters most to my needs. All in all, I seek the "whys" to understand the problem and design better and more efficient solutions.

I'm eager for new challenges and ready to where life will lead me.

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